Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Serial Dilution Agar Plate Technique 6,2/10 9314 reviews

A disadvantage of the streak plate technique could be colonyisolation problems. If the streaking technique is not done properlyor if there is too much of an organism present on the inoculatingloop then the cells can cluster and form what looks like one colonybut it can actually be a couple colonies (made from a couplecells). This can cause an inaccurate colony forming unit count.

What is the differences between a streak plate technique and a serial dilution technique?

what is serial dilution and spread plate technique Read More

Could some bacteria grow on the streak plate and not be seen using the pour plate technique Explain?

Yes, although aerobic bacteria will not grow when using the pour plate technique, it can grow on the streak plate. Bacteria that is sensitive to low oxygen may not grow on a pour plate. Read More

What is the purpose of using streak plate technique?

Function of streak plate technique?

way of separating bacteria to grow as single colonies Read More

What is the simplest technique for isolating bacteria in growth media is referred to as the?

What are Advantages of pour-plate method over streak plate method?

The pour plate method requires somewhat less skill than that required for a good streak plate; a disadvantage, however, is that it requires more media, tubes, and plates. Read More

Could some bacteria grow on the streak plate and not be seen using the pour plate technique?

Yes. Some aerobic organisms do not grow in a pour plate but they can proliferate on a streak plate. Experminental errors may also lead to bacterial growth. Read More

What is the goal of streak plate technique?

the goal is to obtain isolated colonies of pure mixed culture Read More

What is streak plate technique?

A streak plate technique is used to isolate a single species from a mixed species population. You take a small sample of the mixed species on a sterile loop and streak an agar medium into four zones, reflaming the loop between zones. After incubation, single species colonies should be visible within the fourth zone. Read More

Will diamond leave a streak on a streak plate?

Diamond will not leave a streak on a porcelain streak plate because diamond is harder than the streak plate. It will leave a scratch on the streak plate for the same reason. Read More

What are the disadvantages using streak plate method?

Streak Plate method cannot be used for the enumeration of the approximate number of bacteria in the given sample. It can used only for obtaining isolated colonies in Pure culture. This is because, In streak plate method, 1. the amount of inoculum added is not a measured quantity. 2. colony count method cannot be applied on streak plate, since except in the fourth quadrant, isolated colonies are not formed. Thus Streak plate method can be… Read More

What is the purpose of streak plate?

A streak plate is used to determine the streak colour of a mineral. You take the mineral and scratch it against the streak plate, and it will create a coloured streak on the plate. The streak is not always the same colour as the mineral itself. Read More

Does a diamond leave a streak on a streak plate?

Diamond will not leave a streak on a streak plate. This is because the diamond is harder than the streak plate. It may leave a scratch, though. Read More

Describe the correct streak plate technique?

Streak plate technique is used to isolate individual bacteria strains, at first streak you might get hundreds but continual streaking will isolate them down to the 1 colony needed. Sterilize by fire a wire loop, put specimen using on loop, then directly put on agar plate in closely s shaped streaks top to middle. Do not dig into agar, then sterilize wire loop by fire again and then streak through agar plate a different way… Read More

What happens if you rub the mineral across a streak plate but the mineral does not leave a streak?

The lack of a streak would indicate that the mineral is harder than the streak plate, or the color of the streak is the same as the color of the streak plate. Read More

Why is streak plate technique important?

so that we can dilute the consentrated bacteria (or whatever) into forming a single colony that can be idntifiied with the naked eye Read More

Will a diamond leave a streak on a streak plate?

Diamond will not leave a streak on a streak plate because diamond is harder than the unglazed porcelain streak plate. The streak is the color of the powdered mineral residue left on the streak plate surface when pulling a mineral across it. With a Mohs hardness of 10 (on a scale of 1-10) a streak could only be left on a diamond plated streak plate. Diamond streak is colorless. Read More

Can bacteria grow on a streak plate and not be seen using the pour plate technique?

Put simply - yes. Some strictly aerobic organisms will not grow in a pour plate. They may, however proliferate on a streak plate. Also consider the posibility of experimental error. The culture may have been added to the molten agar when it was too hot for the organisms to survive. Read More

WHAT IS THE the principle of streak plate technique of producing a pure culture?

it is based on the spacial separation of single cells which in turn grow into pure colonies. Read More

Why is the streak-stab technique preferred rather than incubating the plates anaerobically?

The streak-stab technique is preferred over incubating the plates anaerobically because when isolating colonies allows biochemical testing to be performed. When the plate is incubated anaerobically it lacks oxygen and can not be biochemically tested. Read More

When you rub a pumice rock on a streak plate what color is left on the streak plate?

I believe when you rub a pumice rock on a streak plate you will get the color of white. Read More

How can a streak plate be contaminated?

In the streak plate technique, a loop is used to streak the mixed sample many times over the surface of a solid culture medium in a Petri dish plate. Theoretically, the process of streaking the loop repeatedly over the agar surface causes the bacteria to fall off the loop one by one and ultimately to be distributed over the agar surface, where each cell develops into a colony Read More

Can you show me a picture of a streak plate that has a streak from aquamarine on it?

I do not have a picture, but when you scratch aquamarine on a streak plate, the powder will be white colored. Read More

How do the results of the pour-plate method compare with those obtained using the streak plate and spread -plate methods?

In the pour plate, the microorganisms will grow within the gel that has been set, and in the spread-plate technique, growth will be on top of the agar gel where it has been spread. Read More

How do you determine the streak of a mineral whose Mohs scale is higher than the streak plate?

You can determine the streak of a mineral whose Mohs scale is higher than the streak plate by either filing or crushing with a hammer before rubbing the sample on a streak plate. Read More

Why do some very hard minerals leave no streak?

Some minerals are harder than a streak plate and will therefore leave no streak or the powder of the ceramic streak plate. Read More

What is the purpose of streaking bacteria for isolation?

By using streak plate technique to spread a clinical sample out on the surface of a growth medium individual types of bacteria can be isolated Read More

Why doesn't the mineral topaz leave a streak on a streak plate?

It leaves a scratch instead of a streak because Topaz has a higher number on the Moh's scale compared to the streak plate. Read More

What is the name of the streak when you apply specimen to agar plate?

It is called a streak plate, inoculating the agar plate with a zig-zag motion. Read More

Why doesn't a diamond leave a streak on a streak plate?

Diamond will not leave a streak on a streak plate because diamond is harder than the unglazed porcelain streak plate. The streak is the color of the powdered mineral residue left on the streak plate surface when pulling a mineral across it. With a Mohs hardness of 10 (on a scale of 1-10) a streak could only be left on a diamond plated streak plate. On the Mohs scale of hardness, diamond is the hardest… Read More

Is streak a mineral?

no. streak is the powder left behind when you scratch a rock on a streak plate Read More

Why do a streak plate for an unknown bacteria?

A streak plate is used in the isolation of a bacterium from a sample. Once isolated using the streak plate, the bacterium may be identified through sequencing of its 16S gene or through various biochemical assays. So the streak plate is only used to get single colonies to identify the bacterium... Read More

What are 2 minerals that don't leave a streak on a streak plate?

A streak plate has hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, so harder minerals will not leave a streak. Diamond has a hardness of 10 and corundum is 9 - so neither will leave a streak. Read More

How could your streak plate technique improved?

Try holding the loop at a different angle or try getting a smaller amount (a small amount of bacteria will go along way). Read More

Can all minerals produce a streak on a porcelain plate why or why not?

Those minerals that are harder than the unglazed porcelain streak plate will scratch it rather than leave a streak. Read More

What is a streak plate?

A streak plate is a surface of unglazed ceramic, used to find the true color of a mineral specimen by drawing the specimen across it. The color of the resultant powder is referred to as the streak or streak color of a mineral. Read More

Why use a streak plate to grow a bacterium?

What color does a diamond leave on a streak plate?

What is basalts streak?

A streak is the line of color left behind when a rock is rubbed against a streak plate. The streak of basalt is black. Read More

What is the hardness of a porcelain streak plate?

The hardness of a porcelain streak plate will vary between 6.5-7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Read More

If a mineral doesn't make a streak is it not a mineral?

Minerals with a hardness greater than around 7 on the Mohs hardness scale will not leave a streak on a standard unglazed porcelain streak plate. They will instead scratch and powder the streak plate. Read More

What is a scientific sentence for streak?

Streak is the color of powder of a mineral on a porcelain plate. Read More

What is the powder left behind on a streak plate called?

What is a piece of unglazed porcelain to test a mineral's streak called?

Streak of conglomerate?

Conglomerate is a rock composed of other rocks. It has a pale grey streak when it is rubbed on a streak plate. Read More

Without using a streak plate how do you determine the streak of a mineral?

If you know what mineral it is you could look it up. If you don't have a streak plate available, you could crush some of the mineral with a hammer into a fine powder. What you'll be left with is the streak color. Read More

What is the streak of corundum?

Corundum has a white streak (colour of crushed mineral powder) but you'll not be able to use the streak test on a streak plate as corundum is much harder (mohs hardness of 9) than the plate (6 1/2). Read More

What is the process used to determine the streak of a mineral?

The streak of a mineral refers to the color left on a streak plate after rubbing a mineral across its surface. A streak plate can be as simple as the unglazed side of a porcelain tile. The streak is the mineral in a powdered form from abrasion with the hard, slightly textured surface of the unglazed porcelain streak plate. The streak color may differ from the color observed in a specimen. The streak is used… Read More

What color streak does a diamond leave?

A diamond will leave a colorless streak because the diamond is harder than the streak plate. Read More

Why does a diamond not leave a streak on a streak plate?

The total count includes dead cells as well as living cells.

What is a physical or chemical procedure to destroy microbial life?

Where is the cervical cryotherapy procedure performed?

The procedure is usually performed in an outpatient setting. Read More

What is a surgical procedure performed on the pharynx?

Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure performed on the pharynx. Read More

What is the medical term meaning procedure performed for definitive treatment of the principal diagnosis?

The procedure performed for definitive treatment of the principal diagnosis is called the _____________ procedure Read More

What procedure is performed to treat craniostenosis?

Craniectomy is a procedure performed to treat craniostenosis or to relieve increased intracranial pressure Read More

A procedure performed through the skin is called what?

Which procedure is performed last when installing a new motherboard?

When installing a motherboard, the procedure that is performed last is connecting the peripheral device. Read More

Did you have any discoloration or markings left on the outside of your nose after the procedure?

Please be more specific about the procedure. What procedure was performed? Read More

What is the type of procedure that is performed independently of and is not immediately related to other services?

What is aseptic technic and why is it necessary?

aseptic technique is the procedure in which work is done in microbial free environment and is necessary for the prevention of infections to the human beings e.g. doctor or patient or other hospital workers and to the microbiologist it is also done for preventing the contamination in microbial culture grown in laboratory Read More

When was the first liposuction procedure performed?

What procedure is often performed with laminectomy?

What procedure is often performed with a laminectomy?

When a laminectomy (removal of a lamina) is performed, an arthrodesis (surgical of joints) is also performed. Read More

What is an emergency procedure performed to gain access to the airway below the blockage?

The emergency procedure is called a tracheotomy. Read More

A colostomy is a surgical procedure performed on this structure?

A colostomy is a surgical procedure performed on the large bowel, an opening is made in the bowel which is sutured to the skin in the abdominal wall and colostomy ba Read More

What is a procedure commonly performed in conjunction with a pylorplasty?

Where can a colonoscopy be performed?

Colonoscopy can be performed either in a physician's office or in an endoscopic procedure room of a hospital. Read More

What procedure was performed by dr christian bernard?

He performed the first sucessful heart trans plant. Read More

Where is penile implant surgery performed?

The procedure is performed in a hospital with the patient under general anesthesia. Read More

Can septoplasty surgery be performed as an out-patient procedure?

Septoplasty surgery can be performed as an out-patient procedure in fact this is the normal. The surgery can last one to two hours and is done with general anesthesia. Read More

How does massage therapy work during a surgical procedure?

There is no massage therapy work that is performed during a surgical procedure. Read More

Where can the procedure of spinal fusion be performed?

A spinal fusion procedure can only be performed at a hospital with a specialized surgeon. Due to the risk involved with the surgery it is considered a last resort in the spectrum of possible treatments. Read More

When is a hysteroscopy not performed?

The procedure is not performed on women with cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, or acute pelvic inflammation. Read More

What does the word automated mean?

An action performed by automatic procedure. Read More

What is the medical term meaning procedure performed with a stethoscope?

How is Arthroscopy performed?

The procedure is performed by inserting a specifically designed illuminated device into the joint through a small incision Read More

Who performs femoral hernia repairs?

This procedure is performed by a general surgeon. Read More

What is the name of the procedure that is performed to check the intraocular pressure of the eye?

What procedure is performed if a radiopaque material is injected into the blood vessels?

What surgical procedure might be performed on a 40 year-old obese man to treat sleep apnea?

uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, or UPPP procedure. This procedure is performed to enlarge the airway by removing or shortening the uvula and removing the tonsils and adenoids, if present, as well as part of the soft palate or roof of the mouth. Read More

How is a tubal ligation diagnosed?

A tubal ligation isn't's performed.. It's a surgical procedure performed by a Gynaecologist. Read More

What procedure performed to examine and treat a portion of the digestive system?

Endocscopy is a common procedure performed to examine and treat a portion of the digestive system. In endoscopy, a 'scope' or camera is inserted into the digestive tract to examine its structures. Read More

What is a Loop electrosurgical excision procedure?

Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)-- Cone biopsy performed with a wire that is heated by electrical current. Read More

How is arthoscopy performed on knee?

Arthroscopy of the knee is performed through a sophisticated procedure where a small scope is inserted into the knee joint in order to repair the damaged cartilage and other ligaments. It is also performed as a diagnostic procedure to rule out the other knee problems in the knee joint. Read More

What type of anesthesia would be most appropriate for a surgical procedure performed on a very small area of the body?

Local anesthesia would be most appropriate for a surgical procedure performed on a very small area of the body, as in dental procedures. Read More

What type of procedure was performed when a radiopaque material was injected into the blood vessels?

Which procedure is performed to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position?

Which procedure is performed to open a partially blocked coronary artery?

FESS is a surgical procedure that is performed to?

enlarge the opening between the nose and sinus. Read More

What is the Medical term timeout mean?

A 'timeout' was performed in the room prior to procedure Read More

Is liposuction common?

It is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the United States. Read More

Where is cataract surgery generally performed?

Surgery to remove cataracts is generally an outpatient procedure. A local anesthetic is used and the procedure lasts about one hour. Read More

What is a modifier involving insurance claims?

Importance of Using Proper Modifiers: 1. The physician performed multiple procedures 2. The procedure performed was bilateral 3. The E/M service was done on the same day of the procedure 4. The procedure was increased or decreased 5. The procedure has both professional and technical component 6. The procedure was performed by other provider (Anesthesiologist, Surgeon Physical Therapist, Speech Pathologists etc.) 7. Procedure on either one side of the body was performed 8. The E/M… Read More

How is plastic surgery performed?

It depends on the procedure. Some are quite simple and others are much more complicated. These procedures are performed by a licensed surgeon. Read More

Can a failed root canal be fixed once there is a post?

Often a surgical procedure (apicoectomy) can be performed, which removes the infected area. The procedure can weaken the remainder of the tooth. Read More

What is the cpt code for repeat radiology procedure performed by the same physican?

What does aseptic technique mean?

it means a procedure that is performed under completly sterile conditions Read More

What is the procedure performed prior to transplanting an organ from one individual to another?

In prenatal diagnosis the newest procedure that can be performed early in pregnancy involves sampling the?

Does insurance cover a scrotum tuck?

Only if the procedure is performed by Michael Greaves, MD. Read More