Curtis 1314 Pc Programming Station Software Download 6,1/10 6481 reviews
05-11-2013, 12:45 PM #1
Not Yet Wild

Location: Spain
Curtis connects to terminal, but not to the 1314 programmer
Hello; I have been reading the forum up and down looking for any clue about my connection problem. As I didn't find anything I am opening this thread (well, I found lots of hints about connection problems and tried many of them, but it seems my problem is somewhat different).
I got a Curtis 1236, used. I don't know much about it's previous settings or use conditions.
I tried connecting to it without motor, throttle..Terminal software (putty & dacio) showed error codes (scode x) signaling the parts that were missing, like the motor. Curtis software 1314, however, refused connection:
'Error 0023 Initialization of communication interface failed. Communication error with controller'
After assembling all the parts requested by the controller, the controller stopped printing error codes and printed run info like RPM, Amps, etc..I can change that info with the 'menu mode' switch. Again, I can see all that using putty, dacio, etc.
The controller seems to work, it will accelerate the motor (the encoder settings are probably wrong, but it works anyway).
But the programmer software still refuses to connect.
I have tried 4 differente USB/Serial adapters, some will show the terminal output correctly, others will not. I even tried with an old win98 PC, but the programming software still refuses to connect (terminal work though).
Using an oscilloscope I have checked some bits are sent in the TX wire, but still conection is not established.
I did also read about entering commands in the terminal, using ':'. But it does not seem to work; sometimes the output of 'RPM x' info will stop for a moment but will resume activity soon.
Some questions for the experts:
- I have a 840 display installed, it shares the bus with the programmer cable. Is that ok with the programming process, or should I remove it? (I tried with & without).
- Can be the Curtis controller set up as non-programmable? Is it possible or controller is programmed (using VCL) to avoid programming?
- I have seen captures of users sending commands in the terminal. My terminals are full of controller output text (RPM - RPM - RPM..). Maybe there is a 'program mode' or something similar I have overlooked?
Hope somebody can offer a clue
05-14-2014, 06:20 PM #883
Not Yet Wild

Posts: 4
Re: Programming Curtis Controller
Hello all, first sry my english ist not really good.
My Name is Mike from Germany
k i have a handycap mobility scooter 2008 from CHINA Jiahe
my upper tiller PCB was broken, i repair and i can drive but
the funktions Light, High(B2) blinker etc . not working.
After i buy new PCB and the same, so i buy Cable and i have Software
1314-4401 PC PROGRAMMING STATION - i read and save the *.par
but i can t see the funktion Light, so i Change ACCES from SYSTEM 2 OEM
now i can see all, but the **** LIght ist not there or blinker
i have this cable and works with Controller but maybe not with the upper tiller?
so i have to buy a other 1?
maybe i need newer Software? ( plz send )
maybe i need the Handheld?
i have no idea really , atm i can only on Day drive without Light
best regrads Mike
oops Forget to write i have CurtisController1227-3402-160A 36V
and this Cable : wwwDOTebayDOTcom/itm/151285643640?item=151285643640&viewitem=&vxp=mtr
Attached Images
KeyPad.jpg (33.3 KB, 0 views)
Scooter.jpg (76.9 KB, 0 views)
Original-Save.jpg (118.4 KB, 0 views)
open.all.for.OEM.jpg (148.9 KB, 0 views)
Last edited by hunne; 05-14-2014 at 06:25 PM. Reason: forgot information